How To Measure Your Pupillary Distance (PD)

What is Pupillary Distance?

Pupillary Distance (PD) measures the distance between the centers of your pupils. This measurement is used to determine where you look through the lens of your glasses and should be as accurate as possible. The average adult’s PD is between 54-74 mm; kids' are between 43-58 mm. 

PD = 62 mm

Your eye doctor will usually measure your PD during an eye exam. However, if it was not given to you, the below 5 steps will help you measure it yourself.

How to Measure Your PD?
  1. Stand 8 in away from a mirror.
  2. Hold a ruler against your brow.
  3. Close your right eye then align the ruler’s 0 mm with the center of your left pupil.
  4. Look straight then close your left eye and open your right eye.
  5. The mm line that lines up to the center of your right pupil is your PD.

Check out the graphic below for more information and to learn how your friend can help you measure your PD.

Every set of prescription lenses has an “optical center,” which is determined by pupillary distance. Pupillary distance is used to determine where you look through the lens of your glasses and should be as accurate as possible.

Optical Center